This instrument, 11 T/40 cm Bruker Avance III HD, is located at the MagLab's AMRIS Facility at the University of Florida in Gainesville.
This horizontal magnet is equipped with a Bruker AV3HD console with Paravision 6.0.1. console for diffusion and functional MRI of animal models, MR spectroscopy, MR microscopy, and development of novel RF coil technology. Providing programmable delivery of highly linear radiofrequency pulses with nanosecond resolution, the custom-built console yields high-sensitivity signal reception over a broad range of frequencies. The console supports very sensitive parallel receivers with a broad dynamic range to detect signals from highly abundant water down to metabolites in the micromolar concentration range, and the regulation of the high magnetic field gradients which, along with the high field and very large bore size of the magnet, make the capabilities of this instrument unique.
Together with the existing extremely strong RRI gradient coils and powerful gradient amplifier, the new console brings significant improvements to mapping resting-state and task-based, blood-oxygen-level-dependent functional MRI signals and to measuring induced electrical currents and white matter structural connectivity in vivo, as well as a wide range of neuroscience applications, such as pharmacological MRI. Additionally, the high field of the instrument provides excellent dispersion for spectroscopy measurements, particularly for both thermally- and hyperpolarized carbon-13 experiments. The chemical selectivity of these carbon-13 experiments can be used to trace multiple metabolic pathways in living systems simultaneously. Capabilities of dissolution DNP technology for in vivo animal models are available to external users through the MagLab.
Gradient Coils
RF Coils
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For more information please contact Huadong Zeng.
Last modified on 06 October 2023