Some of the strongest magnets in the world, including resistive, pulsed, superconducting and hybrid. Unique power and design for cutting-edge research across disciplines.
This instrument is located at the MagLab's Tallahassee headquarters.
This new tool, featuring a magnet built by the Bruker Corporation and installed in 2014, represents the world’s highest field, persistent, superconduc…
At 21.1 tesla, this is the strongest MRI scanner in the world for small animals, and is also used for solid state NMR.
The Split-Florida Helix (SFH) magnet is the first modern powered magnet optimized for advanced optical spectroscopy techniques requiring wide, free-sp…
The 32 T magnet is the first in a new class of high-field superconducting magnets employing HTS materials.
This novel hybrid magnet can be used for both condensed matter science physics and NMR spectroscopy. It is the strongest magnet in the world for NMR.
This standard 33 MW solenoid magnet produces 41 tesla in a 32-mm bore.
The lab’s flagship magnet, the 45 tesla hybrid is composed of a 33.5 tesla resistive magnet nested in an 11.5 tesla outsert.
The Pulsed Field Facility has the world's only scientific program that has delivered scientific results in non-destructive magnetic fields up to and e…