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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

DC Field Science Highlights

A showcase of the most promising and cutting-edge research underway at the DC Field Facility.

Crystal structure of SrTa2S5, Illustration of intralayer electronic pairing, and Illustration of interlayer electronic pairing

September 12, 2024

Since the observation of Hofstadter’s Butterfly in graphene, scientists have been working on a veritable zoo of materials which can be exfoliated down…

Residual specific heat vs inverse magnetic field (H−1) at T=0.58K and Φ=45°.

June 20, 2024

Topological materials are fascinating because they take the weirdness of quantum mechanics and turn it up a few notches to 11. The behavior of Samariu…

The Fermi surface of UTe2.

April 17, 2024

At ultra-low temperatures in the 32T all superconducting magnet, MagLab users fully mapped out the Fermi surface of UTe2, learning more about how elec…

Left: Rendering of the nanocalorimeter wire-bonded to a printed circuit board mounted in a vacuum cell (shown without its lid).  Right: A photograph of the extremely small indium sample (dark rectangle in the middle of the image) mounted on the calorimeter.

January 23, 2024

This work demonstrates how heat is transmitted through elemental indium using thermal impedance spectroscopy. Spanning 5 orders of magnitude in freque…

a. Schematic illustration of a 1T′-WS2 device and the rotation experiment setup. b. Magnetic field dependence of the normalized resistance of the 1T′-WS2 device at T = 0.33 K with different in-plane rotation angles φ. c. The φ-dependence of the upper critical field. The green dashed line indicates the Pauli limit.

November 16, 2023

Research on a tungsten disulfide material (1T’-WS2) reveals a superconducting state that is able to carry an incredibly large amount of current within…

Left: Magnetic torque vs magnetic field, Right: A 0.4mm long sample mounted on a piezoresistive torque magnetometer.

September 11, 2023

Kagome is the name given to the traditional Japanese star-like pattern to form baskets. The same geometric pattern can be found in the crystal structu…

Overview of the accessibility needs for scientific research in a large-scale user facility like the MagLab.

September 11, 2023

A specialized cybersecurity approach was developed to meet the needs of a user research facility.

Atomic structure of SrCu2(BO3)2

July 14, 2023

Studying a famous Spin-dimer compound, researchers made the first dynamic measurements via Raman spectroscopy up to 45T that provide a direct correlat…

Experimental setup using the 25T Split-Helix magnet and the multidimensional optical nonlinear spectrometer (MONSTR).

April 24, 2023

Probing one of the prominent classes of atomically-thin materials, the transition metal dichalcogenides, researchers found that while dark excitons ar…

Calorimetrically determined magnetic phase diagram for Ba3CoSb2O9 for in-plane magnetic field (H ∥ a).

January 23, 2023

Using high magnetic fields and low temperatures, scientists were able to observe a complex set of quantum fluctuations in a Barium, Cobalt, Antimony a…

Fermi surfaces calculated from angle dependent magnetoresistance (ADMR) data (left) inside the pseudogap phase at p=0.21, showing four small pockets (resembling those that would be created by antiferromagnetism) and (right) outside the pseudogap phase at p=0.24, showing the single large pocket of a simple metal.

October 18, 2022

In high-temperature superconductors, a region exists between the superconducting and normal states known as the pseudogap state. Using the 45T hybrid …

Sketch of the two fluids in YbB12 showing their densities of states

July 18, 2022

Three complementary measurements in intense magnetic fields shed light on a very unusual material that behaves like a metal, but does not conduct elec…

Schematic of excitons forming between two graphene layers. Schematic of excitons forming between two graphene layers

March 11, 2022

Theory predicted that the transition between the superconducting and superfluid regimes should be continuous for electrons and holes in solid material…

X-ray source (green arrow) with evacuated X-ray beam tunnel (blue arrow) leading to the two-meter-tall 25T Florida Split Helix Magnet (red arrow).

January 25, 2022

Using X-ray diffraction, scientists can now detect atoms themselves moving further apart or closer together in high magnetic fields, giving science a …

(a) Layer structure of the epitaxial nitride heterostructure. (b) High-resolution transmission electron microscopy image of the semiconductor /superconductor interface.

November 22, 2021

Gallium nitride (GaN) and Niobium nitride (NbN) are widely used in today's technologies: GaN is used to make blue LEDs and high-frequency transistors …

In a magnetic field (red arrow), electrons, shown schematically in blue, move in orbits.

September 22, 2021

Electrons in metals behave like chaotic bumper cars, crashing into each other at every opportunity. While they may be reckless drivers, this result de…

Measurements of the oxygen-17 spectra as a function of magnetic field at a temperature of 5K, are shown above to be independent of field for the O(2) apical site.

August 20, 2021

The MagLab's 32 T all-superconducting magnet is now serving users at full field. An early experiment in the magnet identified an important milestone o…

Schematic of the co-existence of antiferromagnetism and spin glass orders in FeXNbS2

May 28, 2021

A pane of window glass and a piece of quartz are both are transparent to light, but their atomic structure is very different. Quartz is crystalline at…


March 26, 2021

Researchers based at four-year colleges and universities outside of the Research-1 (R1) tier face more obstacles to performing research than their col…

(Left) 125Te spectral line and effective gamma with respect to magnetic field. Black circles are from the 36T Series Connected Hybrid while the pink diamonds are from the new HTS 32T magnet. (Right) Phase diagram for H//c highlighting the possible spin-nematic state. [PRB 94 064403 2016] Solid circles are from magnetostriction. Open circles from magnetostriction and thermal expansion. Open triangles from magnetization.

January 19, 2021

Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements were performed in the all-new 32 T superconducting magnet in an effort to confirm a new quantum state. Results…

Left: Crystal structure of the (3,1) super-lattice. Right: Interface magnetic circular dichroic spectra

December 29, 2020

Using electric fields as a switch to control the magnetism of a material is one of the goals behind the study of multiferroics. This work explores the…

Left: “Hedgehog-like” Spin Structure  Resulting from Chirality, Center: The Chiral Structure of Tellurene, Right: Quantum Hall Effect in Tellurene, tuned by a Gate Voltage

October 06, 2020

Topology, screws, spin and hedgehogs are words not normally found in the same scientific article but with the discovery of Weyl fermions in thin tellu…

Left: the phase diagram of La2-pSrpCuO4 in zero external magnetic field (B = 0) shows no obvious connection between the antiferromagnetic (AFM) glass and pseudogap phases. Right: at magnetic fields sufficiently strong that superconductivity is suppressed, the AFM glass actually extends to the critical doping, p*~0.19, of the pseudogap phase, thereby revealing a hitherto hidden connection between the two phases.

September 01, 2020

This research clarifies fundamental relationships between magnetism, superconductivity and the nature of the enigmatic “pseudogap state" in cuprate su…

High magnetic fields induce circular electronic motion (ring currents) around the chemical bond loops in non-magnetic aromatic molecules.

July 28, 2020

Magnetic induction is used in technology to convert an applied magnetic field into an electric current and vice versa. Nature also makes extensive use…

Phase diagram in DC fields of Mn(taa) in which the color scale is the electric polarization

June 01, 2020

Materials with magnetoelectric coupling - a combination of magnetic and electric properties - have potential applications in low-power magnetic sensin…

Figure: (left) Raw quantum oscillation data as the applied magnetic field is tilted away from the a-axis. (right) Angular dependence of the three main orbits.

March 23, 2020

Topological semimetals are an exciting new area of research due to their number of predicted and unexpected quantum mechanical states. Understanding t…

(a) The phase diagram of FeSe0.89S0.11 which shows two distinct superconducting domes that are separated by a change of the Fermi surface at intermediate pressures (i.e. Lifshitz transition). (c) This is confirmed by a shift in the quantum oscillation frequencies with higher pressures. The largest oscillations shown (blue) are for a temperature of 0.3K.

January 23, 2020

A nematic phase is where the molecular/atomic dynamics show elements of both liquids and solids, like in liquid crystal displays on digital watches or…

Spin configurations at magnetic fields above 25T.

October 28, 2019

Research on doped SrCu2(BO3)2 shows anomalies in the magnetization.

Magnetic field versus angle dependence of the superconducting phases in UTe2.

October 28, 2019

Studies of uranium ditelluride in high magnetic fields show superconductivity switching off at 35 T, but reoccurring at higher magnetic fields between…

Motion pattern of atoms for the phonon modes that change in magnetic field.

September 20, 2019

In Sr3NiIrO6 vibrations in the crystal lattice (phonons) play an important role in its intriguing magnetic properties that result in a very high coerc…

Non-Cu Jc-B curves of the APC wire given various heat treatments and the state-of-the-art Nb3Sn wire as reference, as well as the FCC Jc specification

June 20, 2019

MagLab users have modified the critical current of Nb3SN, a material that was thought to be fully exploited, and boosted its performance by 50%.

The calculated Fermi surface of BiPd projected into the first Brillouin zone. It is complex, 3-dimensional, and composed of multiple sheets.

May 15, 2019

The observation of topological states coupled with superconductivity represents an opportunity for scientists to manipulate nontrivial superconducting…

Penetration field capacitance (CP) plotted vs magnetic field (B) and electron density (n0) showing both new and well studied fractional quantum Hall states, which appear as orange and red lines.

January 29, 2019

Scientists revealed previously unobserved and unexpected FQH states in monolayer graphene that raise new questions regarding the interaction between e…

Superconducting upper critical fields as a function of temperature for two samples under pressures of 150 and 170 GPa.

November 20, 2018

Scientists have long pursued the goal of superconductivity at room temperature. This work opens a route towards one day stabilizing superconductivity …

De Haas-van Alphen measurements (left) agree with the calculated Fermi surfaces (right). Colors in the plot correspond to matching surface calculations.

November 05, 2018

Scientists found that the emergence of an exotic quantum mechanical phase in Ce1-xNdxCoIn5 is due to a shape change in the Fermi surface. This finding…

Fermi surface of CaFeAsF, which represents the momenta of the highest-energy electrons in the material.

July 10, 2018

This work provides important insight into one of the parent materials of iron-based superconductors.

Schematic cross-section of the multi-layer REBCO tape conductor in which the REBCO layer is less than 1% of the total thickness of the tape.

June 27, 2018

Recent measurements of superconducting tapes in the MagLab's 45-tesla hybrid magnet shows that the power function dependence of current on magnetic fi…

Left: The variable coupling of edge states between two lateral quantum Hall states (blue regions). Right: R34 vs tunnel barrier gate voltage, which controls the barrier height.

March 19, 2018

In the 14 years since its discovery, graphene has amazed scientists around the world with both the ground-breaking physics and technological potential…

Gate dependence of the conductance for a  macroscopic Corbino device under inplane magnetic field from 0 T to 35T.

January 31, 2018

Decades ago, a mechanism was proposed that described a quantum phase transition to an insulating ground state from a semi-metal (excitonic insulator, …