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The MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

Heat Capacity in DC Fields

Specific heat of a material is a measure of heat necessary to raise the temperature of a given amount of material, typically a gram or a mol, by 1 Kelvin.

Near absolute zero, this bulk thermodynamic quantity is a sensitive probe of the low energy excitations of a complex quantum system. Such low energy excitations contain useful information about the nature of the ground state. For the canonical example of an ordinary (so-called ‟Fermi liquid‟) metal, the electronic charge-carrying quasiparticles) component of specific heat vanishes linearly with temperature and the lattice vibration (phonon) component vanishes as T3. The two different power-laws ultimately arise from the different quantum statistics of electrons (fermions) and phonons (bosons).


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  • The relaxation technique is a completely home built set-up. The user will work the research faculty member in data acquisition, and mounting of their sample to the custom built high field calibrated calorimeters.

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Credit: National MagLab

Related Publications

Kemper et al, Thermodynamic signature of a magnetic-field-driven phase transition within the superconducting state of an underdoped high-temperature superconductor, arXiv:1403.3702 (2014). Read online.

Riggs et al, Heat capacity through the magnetic-field-induced resistive transition in an underdoped high-temperature superconductor, Nature Physics 7, 332-335 (2011). Read online.

Riggs et al, Magnetic ordering of the RE lattice in REFeAsO: the odd case of Sm. A specific heat investigation in high magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B., 214404 (2009). Read online.

Staff Contacts

Scott Hannahs

Last modified on 13 December 2023

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