We all get frustrated when we don't get what we want.
Like when you go home after work and all you want is to grab a beer and crash on the couch. But your kids want dinner, the dog needs a walk, and the wireless is on the fritz again. Relaxation is hours away: So frustrating!
Well, that happens to materials, too. In this Science Step-by-Step story, we'll show you that their pain could be our science gain.
The star of this story is Duke University physics professor Sara Haravifard. Haravifard who is interested in spin liquids (read on for details of these exotic materials) and high-temperature superconductors, materials that conduct electricity without resistance at relatively high temperatures. Although they are a very hot topic of research, most have been discovered by accident. Haravifard wants to design them purposefully … and has plotted a route to get there.
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Text by Kristen Coyne; Infographic by Caroline McNiel